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German Neugart gearbox Germany R+W -couplings Str Ronse gear LIMON模组
Economy gearbox Precision gearbox NGV
  • Precision reducer
  • Precision reducer
  • Precision reducer
  • Precision reducer
Precision reducer
PLN Series

◆ Fully sealed

◆ It can still maintain good rigidity under high load

◆ Straight teeth can achieve high torque

  • Precision reducer
  • Precision reducer
  • Precision reducer
  • Precision reducer

This straight tooth high-precision planetary reducer is suitable for applications requiring high efficiency and torque. PLN is equipped with pre tensioned tapered roller bearings and our self-developed seals to ensure that the machine can still provide excellent performance in the presence of dust and splashing water.


Excellent rigidity under high load

Fully sealed

Spur gear for high torque

Can be installed anywhere

Drive flange on individually adjustable motor

Lifetime lubrication, therefore maintenance free

Reducer parameters PLN070 PLN090 PLN115 PLN142 PLN190 P
transmission ratio 3, 4, 5, 7, 8,10 one
transmission ratio 12,15,16,20,25,32,40,64,100 two
service life h
T2N ×Service life at 0.88 h thirty
Efficiency at full load % 98/95
Minimum operating temperature/maximum operating temperature -25/90
Degree of protection IP65
Standard lubrication Lubricant (lifetime lubrication)
Food grade lubrication Lubricant (lifetime lubrication)
Low temperature lubrication Lubricant (lifetime lubrication)
Installation position arbitrarily
Standard return clearance arcmin <3-<5
Reduce return clearance arcmin <2 <1 <1 <1 <1
Torsional stiffness Nm/arcmin 3.4-5.0 9.0-12.4 22.0-29.5 61.0-78.0 155.0-224.0
Weight of reducer kg 2.0-2.6 3.3-4.3 6.5-9.0 16.0-22.0 33.4-49.6
Standard box surface Box: steel - oxidized after heat treatment (black)
Running noise dB/(A) sixty sixty-two sixty-five seventy seventy-four
Maximum bending moment based on reducer input flange Nm eighteen thirty-eight eighty one hundred and eighty three hundred

Rated output torque

PLN070 PLN090 PLN115 PLN142 PLN190 I P
forty-five one hundred two hundred and thirty four hundred and fifty one thousand three one
sixty one hundred and forty three hundred six hundred one thousand and three hundred four
sixty-five one hundred and forty two hundred and sixty seven hundred and fifty one thousand and six hundred five
forty-five ninety one hundred and eighty five hundred and thirty one thousand and three hundred seven
forty eighty one hundred and fifty four hundred and fifty one thousand eight
twenty-seven sixty one hundred and twenty-five three hundred and five six hundred and thirty ten
sixty-eight one hundred and ten two hundred and fifty seven hundred and eighty one thousand and five hundred twelve two
sixty-eight one hundred and ten two hundred and fifty seven hundred and eighty one thousand and five hundred fifteen
seventy-seven one hundred and fifty three hundred one thousand one thousand and eight hundred sixteen
seventy-seven one hundred and fifty three hundred one thousand one thousand and eight hundred twenty
sixty-five one hundred and forty two hundred and sixty nine hundred one thousand and eight hundred twenty-five
seventy-seven one hundred and fifty three hundred one thousand one thousand and eight hundred thirty-two
sixty-five one hundred and forty two hundred and sixty nine hundred one thousand and eight hundred forty
forty eighty one hundred and fifty four hundred and fifty one thousand sixty-four
twenty-seven sixty one hundred and twenty-five three hundred and five six hundred and thirty one hundred

Output shaft load

PLN070 PLN090 PLN115 PLN142 PLN190
Radial force of 20000h three thousand and two hundred
five thousand and five hundred six thousand twelve thousand and five hundred twenty-one thousand
Axial force of 20000h four thousand and four hundred six thousand and four hundred eight thousand fifteen thousand twenty-one thousand
Radial force of 30000h three thousand and two hundred four thousand and eight hundred five thousand and four hundred eleven thousand and four hundred eighteen thousand
Axial force of 30000h three thousand and nine hundred five thousand and seven hundred seven thousand thirteen thousand and two hundred eighteen thousand and five hundred
20000 h tilting moment one hundred and ninety-one three hundred and eighty-three four hundred and eighty-eight one thousand four hundred and twenty two thousand five hundred and thirty-five
30000h inclination moment one hundred and ninety-one three hundred and thirty-five four hundred and thirty-nine one thousand two hundred and ninety-five two thousand one hundred and seventy-three

Geometric dimensions

PLN070 PLN090 PLN115 PLN142 PLN190 P
Output shaft diameter sixteen twenty-two thirty-two forty fifty-five
Diameter of output retaining lug sixty seventy ninety one hundred and thirty one hundred and sixty
eighty one hundred and ten one hundred and forty-two one hundred and ninety
Total length one hundred and thirty-seven point five one hundred and fifty-nine point five two hundred and one two hundred and seventy-six three hundred and ten point five one
one hundred and sixty-six point five one hundred and ninety-one point five two hundred and forty-one three hundred and thirty-five three hundred and eighty-two point five two
Output shaft length forty-eight fifty-six eighty-eight one hundred and ten one hundred and twelve