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2019.3.28 Shenzhen International Machinery Manufacturing Industry Exhibition (Shenzhen)
Zhongxin Weichuang| 2018-05-29|Return list


Exhibition information:

Exhibition time: March 28, 2019 March 31

Venue: Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center

Booth: 6H 6F27

Exhibition introduction:

After nearly 20 years of development, Shenzhen International Machinery Manufacturing Industry Exhibition has become a large-scale, high-tech, wide category and good demonstration professional exhibition in the field of manufacturing equipment in South China. Through personalized, digital and intelligent overall solutions for different industries, Shenzhen Machinery Exhibition is now a platform for automobile, communication, consumer electronics, household appliances, molds, office equipment, medical equipment, new energy, glasses, jewelry and other industries in South China to understand cutting-edge manufacturing technologies by demonstrating technologies in mechanical manufacturing and metal processing fields such as intelligent equipment, automation applications, flexible production, system integration, etc.

Now, Shenzhen International Machinery Manufacturing Industry Exhibition has developed three sub exhibitions, including Shenzhen International Machine Tool Exhibition, Shenzhen International Robot and Factory Intelligence Exhibition, and Shenzhen International Industrial Parts Exhibition, forming ten professional exhibition areas, including metal cutting machine tools, metal forming machine tools, cutting tools and tools, industrial measurement, and automation applications.

