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2020.3.30 Shenzhen International Machinery Manufacturing Industry Exhibition (Shenzhen)
Zhongxin Weichuang| 2019-06-19|Return list

Exhibition information:

Exhibition time: March 30-April 2, 2020
Venue: Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center (new hall)
Booth: 13H J31

Exhibition introduction:

ITES Shenzhen International Industrial Manufacturing Technology Exhibition

March 30 to April 2, 2020

Since its establishment in 2000, through the operation of specialization, marketization, internationalization and branding, the exhibition has developed into an international professional exhibition recognized and recommended by the International Exhibition Industry Association (UFI), and also an industrial brand exhibition certified by BPA international media certification agency. Having been rooted in Shenzhen for more than 20 years, the exhibition has become a platform for professionals in 3C electronics, automobile, communications, precision parts manufacturing, mold, medical equipment, new energy, office equipment, glasses, jewelry and other industries in South China to learn about cutting-edge manufacturing technologies.

